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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Regional livestock breeding complex in the WTO conditions: problems and prospects

L. E. Krasil’nikova, D. A. Balandin
Price: 50 руб.
The modern state of the livestock breeding complex of the Russian Federation and Perm Krai are considered in the paper. Specific regional features of the development of beef, dairy and swine production in the WTO conditions are described. The author reveals the competitive strengths helping regional producers to reduce dangers of the external environment and defines prerequisites to the branch stabilisation.
Key words: agro-industry, agroindustrial complex (AIC), World Trade Organization
(WTO), livestock breeding complex, beef and dairy production.
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7. Pytkin A. N., Balandin D. A. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie aspekty funktsionirovaniya sel’skikh munitsipal’nykh obrazovaniy Permskogo kraya / In-t ekonomiki UrO RAN. Yekaterinburg, 2012. 177 s.
8. Pytkin A. N., Balandin D. A., Timoshina E. V. Aktual’nye problemy razvitiya sel’skogo khozyaystva Permskogo kraya / In-t ekonomiki UrO RAN. Yekaterinburg, 2010. 125 s.
9. Pytkin A. N., Zaglyadova M. Kh. Problemy upravleniya razvitiem agropromyshlennogo kompleksa // Ars Administrandi. 2013. № 2. S. 87–90.
Price: 50 рублей
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