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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Information support of the research and development results transfer to the agro-industrial complex of Russia

A. S. Kolomeichenko, N. V. Polshakova, Yu. V. Nozdrina
Price: 50 руб.
The analysis of state and commercial structures of Russia transferring research and
development results to the agro-industry is carried out in the paper. The author describes their status and problems and compares them with innovative structures of other countries of the world.
Key words: transfer of innovations, agro-industrial complex, information support,
innovative structure.
1. Bednyi A. B. Transfer tekhnologiy v amerikanskikh universitetakh: informatsionno-analiticheskoe materialy, 2011. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.eureca-usrf.org/about/Bibliot/NNSU/1/11.pdf.
2. Glebova A. G. Sel’skokhozyaystvennoe konsul’tirovanie kak faktor innovatsionnogo razvitiya APK: monografiya. Tver’: Tverskaya GSKhA, 2012. 176 s.
3. Koshelev V. M. Modeli organizatsii informatsionno-konsul’tatsionnoy sluzhby v sel’skom khozyaystve Rossii // Tsentr obucheniya kadrov informatsionno-konsul’tatsionnoy sluzhby APK ROSSII, 2002. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx?CatalogId=370&d_no=39679
4. Obzor mezhdunarodnogo opyta innovatsionnogo razvitiya, 2013. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http:// www.strf.ru/material.aspx?CatalogId=370.
5. Otchet Federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya «Uchebno-metodicheskiy tsentr sel’skokhozyaystvennogo konsul’tirovaniya i perepodgotovki kadrov agropromyshlennogo kompleksa» za 2012 god. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://mcx-consult.ru/d/77622/d/doklad-2012.pdf.
Price: 50 рублей
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