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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2014

Harmonisat ion of discourses in the modern humanities

D. Yu. Ignatiev
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the forms of communication among discourses in the modern
humanities knowledge. Their relations are revealed through the models of “culture war”,
“diplomacy” and “avoidance”. In a number of cases the communicational strategies of
academic society are compared to the intentional application of “cultural anesthesia”.
Key words: communication, dialogue, cultural anesthesia, hermeneutics, harmonisation
of discourses, translation.
1. Zontag S. Protiv interpretatsii // Mysl’ kak strast’. M.: Russkoe fenomenologicheskoe obshchestvo, 1997. 208 s. S. 9–18.
2. Klauzevits K. O voyne. M.: Logos, 1998. 448 s.
3. Sekatskiy A. K. Prikladnaya metafizika. SPb.: Amfora, 2005. 414 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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