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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Training requirements applicable to graduates of educational organisations of EMERCOM of Russia for the effective implementation of assigned tasks

Е. M. Prokhodimova, A. V. Zuev
Price: 50 руб.
The article presents the results of the research on specification of the requirements
to graduates of educational organisations of EMERCOM of Russia for the effective
implementation of assigned tasks. The authors reveal the rank structure of their most
important physical, psycho-physiological qualities and professional skills. The research results can be used in mastering new professions at educational organisations of EMERCOM of Russia, in particular, state inspectors for small vessels.
Key words: educational organisations, occupational training, professionally important
qualities, assigned objectives, graduates of educational organisations, state inspectors for small vessels, survey.
1. Bolotin A. E., Sivak A. N. Trebovaniya, pred’yavlyaemye k vypusknikam vuzov vnutrennikh voysk MVD Rossii dlya effektivnogo vypolneniya sluzhebno-boevykh zadach. URL: http: //lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/ru/node/3671.
2. Prokhodimova E. M. Pedagogicheskie osobennosti professional’nogo razvitiya lichnosti kursantov i slushateley v usloviyakh vuza GPS MChS Rossii: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. SPb., 2007.
Price: 50 рублей
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