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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Monolingual learner’s dictionary: biosemiotic approach

A. A. Karasev
Price: 50 руб.
The article states that existing methods of representing the meanings of polysemous
words in monolingual learner’s dictionaries contradict the facts of the language and
mind, making it harder to memorise the meanings of polysemous words and leading to a wrong impression about what those meanings are. As a possible means to solve these problems the article suggests a draft entry of a learner’s dictionary for polysemous words based on the lexical prototype of the word – the systemic meaning of a polysemous word. The mechanisms of lexical prototype formation from the biosemiotic perspective are described in the article as a theoretical basis for the suggested type of lexicographic description, and the algorithm of making such an entry is discussed.
Key words: biosemiotics, polysemy, monolingual learner’s dictionary, lexical prototype.
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Price: 50 рублей
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