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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

NKVD troops in the fight against the nationalist underground in 1944-1945: historical experience

А. М. Ismailov, A. A. Klimov
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the features of the combat activities of the NKVD troops in the fight against the nationalist formations in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic States. The periods of the hard struggle against political gangsterism and nationalist underground are determined. Basic forms and methods of the internal troops’ activity in spring and summer of 1944 are described.
Key words: NKVD troops, nationalist groups, fight against the nationalist underground,
territorial departments of the internal troops.
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4. NKVD–MVD SSSR v bor’be s banditizmom i vooruzhennym natsionalisticheskim podpol’yem na Zapadnoy Ukraine, v Zapadnoy Belorussii i Pribaltike (1939–1956 gg.): sb. dokumentov. M., 2008.
5. Pogranichnye voyska Rossii v voynakh i vooruzhennykh konfliktakh XX v. M., 2000.
6. RGVA. F. 38650. Op. 1. D. 147.
7. Shit’ko V. V., Palamarchuk S. P. Vnutrennie voyska v bor’be s burzhuazno-natsionalisticheskim podpol’yem (1939–1953 gg.). Novosibirsk, 2009.
Price: 50 рублей
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