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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Learning of travelling chants by music school students (from the experience of teaching)

A. A. Gvozdetskiy
Price: 50 руб.
The experience of learning the oral tradition of Old Russian chant is described in the
paper through a concrete example. The technique of adapting to the tradition through the
comparison of the oral and written components of the Old Russian traditional culture is
described. Studying of chants belonging to the Old Russian singing art is viewed in the
context of mastering the fundamental features of the Russian traditional singing culture.
Key words: znamenny chant, travelling chant, studying of Old Russian singing art,
studying of traditional singing culture.
1. Smolenskiy S. V. O drevnerusskikh pevcheskikh notatsiyakh // Pamyatniki drevney pis’mennosti i iskusstva. SPb., 1901.
Price: 50 рублей
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