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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Geography teaching at school and its importance as a multidisciplinary subject

R. A. Gakaev, M. Zh. Chatayeva
Price: 50 руб.
Man’s conflict-free existence with the environment is a priority for the sustainable development of the planet. It is possible to normalise the interaction between the environment and man through the ecologisation of geography teaching, a person’s environmentconscious upbringing and ecology teaching at school, which is one of the challenges of teaching the subject of geography. The role of geography studying at school, forms, methods and means of teaching are considered in the paper.
Key words: education, geographical concept, task, mapping, method, skill.
1. Bolotnikova N. V., Cherednichenko I. P. Geografiya. 6–10 kl. Integrirovannye uroki. V.: Uchitel’, 2007. 243 s.
2. Galay I. P. Metodika obucheniya geografii. Minsk: Aversev, 2006. 116 s.
3. Ivanov Yu. A. Metodika prepodavaniya geografii. Brest: BrGU, 2012. 96 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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