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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Features of socio-communicative development of preschool children involved in inclusive education

E. A. Voronich
Price: 50 руб.

The article presents the results of the study aimed to analyse the socio-communicative development of preschool children involved in inclusive education. The author determines the provisions that form a basis for building children’s educational trajectories facilitating their socialisation.
Key words: preschool children, limited possibilities of health, social communication, inclusion.

1. Volosovets T. V, Kutepova E. V. Inklyuzivnaya praktika v doshkol’nom obrazovanii. M.: MOZAIKA - SINTEZ, 2011. 144 s.
2. Vygotskiy L. S. Problema umstvennoy otstalosti // Sobranie sochineniy: v 6 t. T. 5. Osnovy defektologii / pod red. T. A. Vlasovoy. M.: Pedagogika, 1983.
3. Inklyuzivnoe obrazovanie. Nastol’naya kniga pedagoga, rabotayushchego s det’mi s OVZ: metodicheskoe posobie. M.: Gumanitarnyi izd. Tsentr VLADOS, 2011. 167 s.
4. Speranskaya G. L., Lednik I. A. Razvitie rechi doshkol’nikov s ispol’zovaniem videozapisi: metodicheskoe posobie. SPb.: Rech’, 2007. 208 s.

Price: 50 рублей
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