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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

The “1988” Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra by Alexander Arutiunian. Special aspects of interpretation

H. V. Hakobyan
Price: 50 руб.
The Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra by Alexander Arutiunian is considered in
the paper in the following aspects:
1. Importance of polyphonic movements in the musical processuality,
2. Local particularities of the form, its integrity and the logic of proportional correlations
of inner parts,
3. Conformity of the means of expressivity chosen by the composer and the obtained
artistic result.
The interpretation problem has two aspects: an objective one, which is the precise
fulfilment of the composer’s indications in the score, and a subjective one, which is a
performer’s individual features.
Key words: Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra, Alexander Arutiunian.
1. Kokzhaev M. A. Aleksandr Arutyunyan: Osobennosti kompozitorskogo stilya. M.: Kompozitor, 2006. 457 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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