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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

The problem of N. Vitke’s “scientific school” identification

D. A. Fedorov
Price: 50 руб.
The article presents a critical analysis of the “scientific school” concept of Nikolay
Vitke, a Russian sociologist of the 1920s. According to the author, the hypothesis of
Vitke’s “humanistic” sociological views is untenable. Thus, there is no reasoned basis
for reckoning this author among the representatives of the so-called “school of human
relations” in social management.
Key words: N. Vitke, scientific school, sociology, labour.
1. Vitke N. A. Organizatsiya upravleniya i industrial’noe razvitie. M.: Izd-vo NK RKI SSSR, 1925.
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3. Voronova E. Yu. Polisistemnyi podkhod v issledovanii nauchnoy shkoly // «IV moskovskie vstrechi», 26–29 iyunya 2006 g. M.: 2006. S. 35.
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7. Ulitskiy Ya. S. Monograficheskoe izuchenie fabrik i zavodov. 2-e izd. M.: 1930. S. 7–26.
8. Fedorov D. A. Teoriya sotsial’nogo upravleniya N. A. Vitke. SPb.: SPbGIEU, 2012.
9. Chistyakova K. A. Dvizhenie za nauchnuyu organizatsiyu truda 1920-kh–1930-kh godov v sovetskoy Rossii: dis. … k. ist. n. M., 2004. S. 201.
10. Yaroshevskiy M. G. Logika razvitiya nauki i nauchnaya shkola // Shkoly v nauke. M.: 1977.
11. Gersh S., Roest B. Medieval and renaissance humanism: rhetoric, representation, and reform. BRILL, 2003.
Price: 50 рублей
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