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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

New complex words as a means of verba l aggression in Dagestan Russian-language newspapers

K. N. Saydumova
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers the derivational aspect of the verbal aggression problem in Dagestan Russian-language newspapers. The most productive way of forming new words that are used as a means of verbal aggression is determined. New complex words used for expressing negative emotions by Dagestani journalists are analysed.
Key words: verbal aggression, means of verbal aggression, Dagestan newspapers, new
complex words, derivation.
1. Valgina N. S. Aktivnye protsessy v sovremennom russkom yazyke: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov. M.: Logos, 2003. 304 s.
2. Kostomarov V. G. Yazykovoy vkus epokhi. Iz nablyudeniy nad rechevoy praktikoy mass-media. SPb.: Zlatoust, 1999. 320 s.
3. Petrova N. E., Ratsiburskaya L. V. Yazyk sovremennykh SMI: sredstva rechevoy agressii. M.: Flinta, 2011. 160 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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