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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Antique tradition in the visual arts of Russia in the interwa r period

I. V. Glazov
Price: 50 руб.
The article discusses the reasons for turning to antiquity and restoring the positions of
Neoclassicism in Europe in the interwar period. It is shown that in contrast to complex
feelings and emotions that dominated the pre-war art, neoclassicism was perceived as renewing power, a new spirit of modernism. The author comes to a conclusion that
for Russia, despite the tragic post-war events, the inertia of the prewar cultural uplift
continued to exert a decisive influence on the formation of ideas about the ideal within
the framework of the European tendencies.
Key words: Antiquity, tradition, Russian art, Neoclassicism, 20th-century Russian art,
20th-century European art.
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2. Kun L. vseobshchaya istoriya fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta. M., 1982.
3. Makovskiy S. V. Problema tela v zhivopisi // Apollon. 1910. № 11.
4. Rozanov V. V. Sobranie sochineniy: v 11 t. / pod obshch. red. A. N. Nikolyukina. M.: Respublika, 1994. T. 1.
5. Tugendkhol’d Ya. A. Zhivopis’ sovremennoy Frantsii // Khudozhestvennaya kul’tura Zapada. M.; L., 1928.
6. Favorskiy V. A. Literaturno-teoreticheskoe nasledie. Sost. E. B. Murina, D. D. Chebanova. M.: Sovetskiy khudozhnik 1988.
7. Shaposhnikov B. V. Estetika chisla i tsirkulya. Neoklassitsizm v sovremennoy zhivopisi // Istoriya i teoriya iskusstv. Vyp. 2. 1926.
Price: 50 рублей
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