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"The Scientific Opinion" № 4, 2014

Social synergetics – a breakthrough to the future

S. V. Busov? M. R. Zobova
Price: 50 руб.
The authors of the paper believe that one of the breakthroughs of synergetic historicism is the solution of the “freedom paradox” (Ilya Prigogine) suggested by prof. V. P. Bransky. The process of society’s evolutionary development is accompanied by the increase of the synthesis of chaos and order, freedom and responsibility due to the super-selection (extracting lessons from the history of mankind). The process of social self-organisation with its multi-level configuration and complexity is influenced by a super-attractor. Thus, the anthropic principle in its strong form is associated with the idea of a superattractor. This principle is reduced to the variations of the “thin dependence”, supposing the evolution of the universe getting into a “zone of influence” of a super-attractor at a certain stage. Still, much should be done on clarifying the characteristics of this mysterious dependence and the mysterious zone as well.
Key words: social synergetics, self-organisation, society, man, universe, superselection, super-attractor, anthropic principle.
1. Branskiy V. P., Pozharskiy S. D. Sotsial’naya sinergetika i akmeologiya. SPb.: Politekhnika, 2001.
2. Branskiy V. P., Pozharskiy S. D. Globalizatsiya i sinergeticheskiy istorizm. SPb.: Politekhnika, 2004.
3. Branskiy V. P., Mikaylova I. G. K voprosu o vzaimoproniknovenii-vzaimoottalkivanii khudozhestvennogo i nekhudozhestvennogo v iskusstve // Filosofskie issledovaniya. 2007. № 3–4. S. 98–112.
4. Branskiy V. P. Filosofskiy analiz problemy tsennostey // Sinergeticheskaya teoriya tsennostey: kollektivnaya monografiya / pod red. V. P. Branskogo, S. D. Pozharskogo. SPb.: Izd-vo «LEMA», 2012. 168 s.
5. Linde A. D. Mnogolikaya Vselennaya. Tekst lektsii. URL: http://elementy.ru/lib/430484
Price: 50 рублей
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