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"The Scientific Opinion" № 3, 2014


S. V. Fedoseyev, A. B. Teslya
Price: 50 руб.
The problem of social investment forming in Russia is considered in the paper. The author determines the obstacles to the development of social investment and views the features of social investment in town-forming enterprises, where social investment is regarded as the most important factor in the development of single-industry towns. The experience of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, the main enterprise of Monchegorsk, is analysed.
Key words: social investment, single-industry town, corporation, town-forming
enterprise, local community.
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8. Making the most of Corporate social responsibility. McKinsey Quarterly. December 2009. Tracey Keys, Tomas Malnight, and Kees van der Graaf. URL: http://mckinseyquarterly.com.
Price: 50 рублей
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