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"The Scientific Opinion" № 3, 2014


E. S. Nagatkina
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the notion and phenomenon of a children’s subculture. The
term is analysed in a variety of humanities and social sciences. The author stresses the signifi cance of this phenomenon for pedagogics at the moment and the topicality of its studying. It is associated with the terms of education modernisation, which require making a child’s subjectness the centre of the pedagogical process. Besides, interdisciplinary links and unifi ed terminology should be established in the humanities.
Key words: subculture, children’s subculture, culture of childhood, children’s interplay,
sociocultural status, interdisciplinarity.
1. Abramenkova V. V. Genezis otnosheniy rebenka v sotsial’noy psikhologii detstva: avtoref. dis. … d-ra psikhol. nauk. M., 2000.
2. Volkov G. N. Etnopedagogika: ucheb. dlya stud. sred. i vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy. M.: Akademiya, 1999. 168 s.
3. Kon I. S. Detstvo kak sotsial’nyi fenomen // Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsial’noy politiki. 2004. T. 2. № 2. S. 151–174.
4. Kul’turologiya: uchebnoe posobie / D. A. Laletin // Biblioteka Gumer. URL: http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Culture/lalet/03.php (24.05.2013).
5. Mayorova-Shcheglova S. N. Detskaya subkul’tura – neinstitutsionalizirovannyi sektor detstva // Sotsiologiya detstva. URL: http://www.childsoc.ru/doc/child_sub_kult.pdf (24.05.2013).
6. Osorina M. V. Sekretnyi mir detey v prostranstve mira vzroslykh. SPb.: Rech’. 2007. 276 s.
7. Popkova T. D. Metodologiya issledovaniya detskoy subkul’tury // Istoricheskie, fi losofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul’turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. 2011. № 3–3. S. 129–136.
Price: 50 рублей
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