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"The Scientific Opinion" № 3, 2014


L. K. Lobodenko
Price: 50 руб.
The author of the article examines the process of interaction between journalism and
advertising from the philological point of view, and on this basis introduces the concept
of “advertising journalism”. The concept of “genre”, genre-forming characteristics and
main groups of genres (informative, analytical, literary journalistic) are considered in the context of advertising journalism. Particular attention is focused on the peculiarities of genre-forming factors of the literary journalistic genres of advertising media texts. The author reveals the peculiar features of the structural organisation of the literary genres in advertising journalism, such as essay, legend, history and feature story, which are presented in online versions of newspapers and magazines.
Key words: journalism, advertising, promotional journalism, media text, genre, artistic
and journalistic genres, online media.
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Price: 50 рублей
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