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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Protest against borders: media art of Nam June Paik

Jo Hyun Kyeong
Price: 50 руб.
The author of the article analyses the career of Nam June Paik, an American-Korean
artist, the pioneer of media art and founder of video art. In his art projects and research
work Paik tried to overcome the borders between media (mediators) and to form
a participatory environment, in which it is possible to create total art, that is, works
encompassing all art branches in order to form a new viewers’ perception model in tune with the time spirit.
Key words: media, art, Neo-avantgard, video-art, Nam June Paik, aesthetics, music,
performance, installation.
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16. Rush M. New Media in Art. London: Thames&Hudson, 2005. 248 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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