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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Compositional features of the piano piece “Xinnjiang Dance” by Ding Shande in the context of pedagogical repertoire

Wu Na
Price: 50 руб.
“Xinnjiang Dance”, a piano piece by the Chinese composer Ding Shande, is considered
in the paper in the context of the general problem of pedagogical repertoire selection.
The paper comprises the score material illustrating the compositional features of the
work as a good example of the study repertoire. The author concludes that the piece is
actively used in the study process at Chinese music schools.
Key words: modal, pentatonism, dance, variation, theme, syncope.
1. Ding Shande, Qian Yiping. Vospominaniya o sozdanii muzyki. Analiz proizvedeniy Din Shan’de. Shankhay, Shankhayskoe literturnoe izdatel’stvo. 1986. 156 s.
2. Ding Shande. Issledovanie o primakh kompozitsi. Muzykal’noe iskusstvo. 1987. 143 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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