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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

The use of electronic text books in the field of communicative infrastructure as a means of improving the process of training at educational institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia

Е. M. Prokhodimova, A. V. Zuev
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the use of electronic textbooks in the field of information and
communication technologies. The authors determine the role and place of electronic
textbooks as a means of improving the efficiency of training at educational institutions
of the EMERCOM of Russia. The results obtained are of great practical significance for
the creation of electronic textbooks in future. The authors argue that the introduction of
electronic textbooks will increase the educational process efficiency.
Key words: electronic textbook, educational organisations, vocational training, computer
technologies, control of knowledge, state inspectors for small vessels, experiment.
1. Zaytseva L. V., Popko V. N. Razrabotka i ispol’zovanie elektronnykh uchebnikov. URL: http://www.ebiblioteka.lt/resursai/Uzsienio%20leidiniai/IEEE/Russian/2006/Nr%201/OTO_2006_1_03.pdf
2. Sukhovienko E. A. Elektronnyi uchebnik: konstruirovanie, obuchenie, diagnostika: monografiya.Chelyabinsk: Obrazovanie, 2005. 160 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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