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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Personality self-presentation as a means of impression management: the analysis of impact factors

O. A. Pikuleva
Price: 50 руб.
The terms “self-presentation” and “impression management” are used by social
psychologists to describe one’s efforts to create a favourable impression on other people. According to some researchers, impression management is the active self-presentation of a person aiming to enhance his/her image in the eyes of others. This paper examines self-presentational theories in the light of impression management, different factors of influence on self-presentational behaviour and the author’s vision claiming that all social interactions can be analysed in terms of self-presentation. The author substantiates the idea that self-presentation is a means of impression management. The results of the author’s theoretical and practical research help to widen the understanding of selfpresentation as a complex social and psychological phenomenon and to withdraw from the stereotypic narrow opinion about its manipulative nature.
Key words: personality self-presentation, self-presentation tactics and strategies,
impression management.
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Price: 50 рублей
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