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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Sergey Prokofiev’s “Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of the October Revoluti on”: feat ures of the orchestra style

E. A. Zavorokhina
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the orchestral style of S. Prokofiev’s “Cantata for the Twentieth
Anniversary of the October Revolution”. Based on the analysis of the work’s score, the
author determines the relationship between the traditional and innovative techniques of
orchestration, as well as the stylistic links with other pieces written by Prokofiev and his
Key words: Soviet music, S. Prokofiev, Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of the
October Revolution, orchestration, score, musical style.
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6. Prokof’yev S. S. Pis’ma. Vospominaniya. Stat’i: sbornik / red.-sost. M. P. Rakhmanova. M.: Deka-VS, 2007. 356 s.
7. Sinel’nikova O. V. Montazhnyi printsip i muzykal’naya forma // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2009. № 319. S. 68–72.
8. Slonimskiy S. M. Simfonii Prokof’yeva: Opyt issledovaniya. M.; L.: Muzyka, 1964. 232 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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