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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Profession-oriented training of future foreign language teachers under the adoption of the new Federa l Standards

E. P. Glumova, O. A. Mironova
Price: 50 руб.
The article deals with the requirements to acquisition of the main educational programmes by bachelors majoring in linguistics and pedagogical education. The issues of the paper are based on the statements of the new Federal State Standards in the sphere of higher education. The authors highlight the target component in the process of professional preparation of future foreign language teachers.
Key words: professiogram of a foreign language teacher, professional pedagogical
competence of a foreign language teacher, functions of a foreign language teacher,
professional skills of a foreign language teacher.
1. Kolesnikova I. L., Tamashevich M. V. Professional’no-pedagogicheskaya kompetentnost’ uchitelya inostrannogo yazyka: kharakteristika i struktura // Traditsii i innovatsii v metodike obucheniya inostrannym yazykam. SPb.: KARO, 2007.
2. Makhmuryan K. S. Struktura, soderzhanie i urovni professional’noy kompetentnosti uchitelya inostrannogo yazyka // Sbornik statey MGPU, MIOO. M., 2006.
3. Mil’rud R. P., Karamnov A. S. Kompetentnost’ uchitelya inostrannogo yazyka // IYaSh. 2012. № 1. S. 11–16.
4. Filosofskiy slovar’ / pod red. I. T. Frolova. 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Respublika, 2001. 719 s.
5. Shatilov S. F., Salomatov K. I., Rabunskiy E. S. Professiogramma uchitelya inostrannogo yazyka // LGPI im. A. I. Gertsena, 1985. 25 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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