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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

The development of Thangka art in Tibet. The external influence period (6th–15th centuries)

Wang Shuang
Price: 50 руб.
The paper describes the external influence exerted on the forming of art forms, styles
and schools of Thangka, one of the most important forms of Tibetan Buddhism art.
The author discusses the unique features obtained by Thangka art after varied cultural
exchange and blending, and finally comes to a conclusion that Thangka not only shows
the intelligence and artistic talent of the Tibetan people, but also reflects the progressive localisation of Buddhism in Tibet and the vast region of the central plain as well as the cultural fusion between the Tibetan and Han nations.
Key words: Thangka, external influence, Sakya, Gyangze style.
1. Xie Jisheng. Istoki tanka // Kitayskaya tibetologiya. Vyp. 4. 1996.
2. Xiong Wenbing, Lo Wenhua, Xie Jisheng [i dr.] (avtory i sostaviteli). Istoriya razvitiya tibetskogo buddiyskogo iskusstva. Shanghai: «Kalligrafiya i zhivopis’», 1-e izd. (01.01.2010), 1055 s.
3. Dzhekson D. Istoriya tibetskoy zhivopisi. 1996.
4. Cheng Jianwu. Issledovanie tanka o Gesere. Knigoizdatel’stvo Kitaya, 1-e izd. (01.03.2012).
5. Yu Xiaodong. Istoriya tibetskoy buddiyskoy zhivopisi. Izd. «Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo» provintsii Tszyansu. 01.01.2006.
Price: 50 рублей
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