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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Activity of the sculpture depart ment of the Imperia l Porcelai n Factory on the threshold of the Revoluti on of 1917 and in the Soviet time (based on the works of V. Kuznetsov, M. Dillon and P. Kamensky)

E. S. Khmelnitskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the activity of the sculpture department of the Imperial Porcelain
Factory in the last pre-Revolution years and the reconstruction of the creative fates of
those porcelain sculptors of the Imperial Porcelain Factory who preferred staying in
Russia after 1917 (V. Kuznetsov, M. Dillon and P. Kamensky). Analysing their work
in the first years of the Soviet power, the author of the paper comes to a conclusion
that only some craftsmen who worked at the factory during the reign of Nicholas II
could participate in the industry in the Soviet time. In spite of all efforts to work in
the new style and apparent creative success (the design for a monument to V. Lenin
by M. Dillon), their creative work had a hard lot. After the authorities had refused to
cooperate with this group of sculptors, they had no opportunity to continue and develop
their creative search.
Key words: Imperial Porcelain Factory, Soviet time, porcelain sculptors, creative
search, sculpture department.
1. Dan’ko E. Ya. Zavod im. Lomonosova (byvsh. Imperatorskiy farforovyi zavod). 1744–1917.
2. Karpova E., Rytikova V. Mariya Dillon. SPb., 2009. (Gosudarstvennyi Russkiy muzey. Al’manakh. № 243).
3. Otdel Rukopisey GRM. F. 100. D. 156.
4. Poorten T. Tekhnika proizvodstva farfora // Russkiy khudozhestvennyi farfor: sb. st. o Gosud. farforovom z-de / pod red. E. F. Gollerbakha i M. V. Farmakovskogo. L., 1924. S. 101.
5. RGIA. F. 503. Op. 1 (478/2014). D. 122b.
6. TsGIASP. F. 1181. Op. 2. D. 15.
7. TsGIASP. F. 1181. Op. 12. D. 36. L. 62–65.
8. Ekho russkikh sezonov: katalog vystavki Gos. Ermitazha. SPb., 2009.
Price: 50 рублей
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