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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Scottish philosophy of common sense about tools of persuasion: epistemological research

О. Ya. Ilyina
Price: 50 руб.
The article highlights the logical-epistemological aspect of the modern problems of
the persuasion theory. The author notes the mosaic structure of modern logic, focused
disciplinary approaches to the study of persuasiveness, the need to develop integrated
methods making it possible to sum up findings in related fields, the refinement and
development of the concept of persuasiveness. The example of the intellectual history
of the Scottish Enlightenment discloses the epistemological “traps” and the way to
overcome them in the philosophy of common sense. The study can be characterised as interdisciplinary, using the logical and philosophical method based on the combination of sociology and cultural studies.
Key words: knowledge, rhetoric, communication, discourse, common sense, persuasion.
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Price: 50 рублей
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