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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

Methods of forming of social controlling at industrial enterprises

N. E. Ivanova, V. G. Ivanov
Price: 50 руб.
The methods of the formation of social controlling at industrial enterprises are analysed
in the article. The authors describe the restraining forces of the changes in the controlling
system and provide the mechanisms for creating a strategic map of an enterprise in the
controlling system.
Key words: social controlling, management control, change management, stability
analysis, strategic map of an enterprise.
1. Guseva I. B. Metodologicheskie osnovy formirovaniya sistemy kontrollinga na promyshlennykh predpriyatiyakh / avtoref. dis. … d-ra ekon. nauk. N. Novgorod: NGTU, 2008. 50 s.
2. Kharitonova N. A., Kharitonova E. N. Modelirovanie kompleksnoy sistemy pokazateley deyatel’nosti metallurgicheskogo predpriyatiya // Byulleten’ NTI «Chernaya metallurgiya». (prilozhenie po ekonomike). 2005. 56 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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