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"The Scientific Opinion" № 2, 2014

The origin of the Oghuz Seljuk dynasty

V. M. Zaporozhets
Price: 50 руб.
The origin of the Oghuz Seljuk Dynasty is analyzed in the article. The Oghuz were one
of the two integral components comprising the Gōktürk Qaghanate. In the 10th century
a large group of the Oghuz migrated to Central Asia. The Oghuz state, or Yabguluk,
existed in this area in the 10th century. The second highest rank in the country belonged to the army commander. Seljuk was born at the beginning of the 10th century and, like his father, belonged to the noble Kynyk tribe. After his father’s death Seljuk was raised in the yabğu court and was appointed as a subashi, or commander of the Oghuz army, at an early age. Seljuk had four sons: Moussa, Yunus, Mikhail and Israil, but only the last two sons played the roles in the formation of the Great Seljuk Dynasty.
Key words: the Oghuz, Gōktürk Qaghanate, Oghuz state (Yabguluk), Subashi, Seljuk,
four sons of Seljuk, origin of the dynasty.
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Price: 50 рублей
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