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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Transforma tion of the territorial and branch structure of the industry in post-industrial Great Britain

P. A. Andreyevskikh
Price: 50 руб.
The process of transformation of the territorial and branch structure of the industry in
post-industrial Great Britain is considered in the paper. The author makes an attempt
to highlight the most important nonmaterial factors, and explores the new forms of
distribution of productive forces (clusters). The author also reveals the most important
territorial and sectoral shifts in the industry and the latest high-tech branches that are the most significant for the economy.
Key words: transformation, territorial and branch structure, industry, nonmaterial
factor, cluster, high-tech branch.
1. Bell D. Gryadushchee postindustrial’noe obshchestvo. M.: Akademiya, 1999. 124 s.
2. Pilipenko I. V. Konkurentosposobnost’ stran i regionov v mirovom khozyaystve: teoriya, opyt malykh stran Zapadnoy i Severnoy Yevropy. Smolensk: Oykumena, 2005. 496 s.
3. Polyutov A. A. Problemy razvitiya produktovykh klasterov. M.: OOO Tekhnologii strategicheskogo menedzhmenta, 2009. 157 s.
4. Ukolov V. F. Klasternaya i korporativnaya modeli vzaimodeystviya vlasti, biznesa i obshchestva. M.: Prospekt, 2009. 56 s.
5. Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. URL: www.abpi.org.uk
6. Central Intelligence Agency. URL: www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook
7. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. URL: www.nda.gov.uk
8. Renewable UK. The voice of wind and marine energy. URL: www.renewableuk.com
9. Royal Aeronautical Society. URL: www.raes.org.uk
10. Star Cluster in the United Kingdom. Center for Strategy and Competitiveness, CSC. Stockholm School of Economics, April 2011.
11. The European Cluster Observatory. URL: www.clusterobservatory.eu
12. UK Space Agency. URL: www.bis.gov.uk/ukspaceagency/
Price: 50 рублей
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