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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Social and cultural space of a small city as a factor of forming a future teacher’s civic position

S. V. Mitrosenko
Price: 50 руб.
The problem of forming a future teacher’s civic position in the socio-cultural space of a
small town is considered in the paper. The author describes the components of a future
teacher’s civic position and the social conditions of a small Siberian town, in which a
socially active person and a future teacher’s civic position are formed.
Key words: civic position, components of a civic position, social and cultural space of
a city, future teacher.
1. Mitrosenko S. V. Formirovanie grazhdanskoy pozitsii lichnosti budushchego uchitelya v usloviyakh vuza // Slavyanskaya pedagogicheskaya kul’tura. Nauchno-teoreticheskiy zhurnal. 2010. № 9. S. 89–93.
Price: 50 рублей
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