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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Manag ement of independent work of pedag ogica l university students studying the theory and methods of foreign languag e teac hing

A. A. Lyubotinsky, O. I. Trubitsina
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to managing independent work of future teachers studying the
theory and methods of foreign language teaching. The authors consider independent
work both from students’ and teacher’s points of view. Different kinds of tasks for
independent work, proposed by the authors, help to prepare students for successful
professional activity.
Key words: management, independent work, controlled system, management subject,
management object, kind of management, kind of independent work.
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5. Rabinovich F. M. Samostoyatel’naya rabota uchashchikhsya // Inostrannye yazyki v shkole. 1988. № 4.
6. Talyzina N. F. Upravlenie protsessom usvoeniya znaniy. M.: MGU, 1975.
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8. Kharchenko K. V. Sotsiologiya upravleniya: uchebnoe posobie. Belgorod: Obl. Tipografiya, 2008.
Price: 50 рублей
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