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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Perception of Russ ian culture in Japa n in the late 19th – early 20th centuries

L. V. Afanasyeva
Price: 50 руб.
The article shows that the difficulty of conveying the meaning and correct understanding
of certain concepts is related to the social background and perception of certain cultural
values of different nations.
Key words: Russia and Japan, interaction of cultures, reception, Russian avant-garde,
Russian literature in Japan.
1. Alekseyev-Apraksin A. M. Vostok – Zapad: opyt osmysleniya mezhkul’turnykh kontaktov / / Voprosy kul’turologii. M., 2010. ¹ 12. S. 10–14.
2. Yevdaev Nobert. David Burlyuk v Yaponii // Iskusstvo. M., 2007. ¹ 1. S. 77–81.
3. Kozhevnikova I. P. Varvara Bubnova, russkaya khudozhnitsa v Yaponii. M.: Nauka, 1984. 224 s.
4. Meshcheryakov A. N. Kniga yaponskikh simvolov. Kniga yaponskikh obyknoveniy. M.: Natalis, 2004. 556 s.
5. Rekho K. Russkaya klassika i yaponskaya literatura. M.: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1987. 352 s.
6. Shteyner E. S. Bez Fudziyamy: yaponskie obrazy i voobrazheniya. M.: Natalis, 2006. 400 s.
7. Shteyner E. S. Varvara Bubnova kak interpretator yaponskogo Pushkina // Sto let russkoy kul’tury v Yaponii. M.: Nauka, 1989. S. 239–256.
Price: 50 рублей
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