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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Art industry as a form of popular art in the industrial culture of the 20th century

N. М. Shabalina
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the art industry in terms of the mass form of the applied art
development in the 20th century. The author’s scientific reconstruction of the artistic
development in the era of industrial and post-industrial society is enriched with the
theory of mass culture, whose development is based on the repetition of certain objects – aesthetically meaningful formulas. This way of expressing an artistic attitude is perceived as a natural manifestation of the social paradigm of the new time. The author determines qualitative and quantitative criteria of artistic evaluation of popular industrial art, which can be applied practically in the area of acquisition of museum collections.
Key words: art industry, applied art, popular art, industrial production.
1. Arvatov B. I. Iskusstvo i klassy. M.–Pg., 1923. 87 s.
2. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologiya: Vseobshchaya organizatsionnaya nauka / A. A. Bogdanov: v 2 kn. M.: Ekonomika, 1989. Kn. 1. 304 s.
3. Ioffe I. I. Krizis sovremennogo iskusstva. L.: Izd-vo «Priboy», 1925. 64 s.
4. Lunacharskiy A. V. Stat’i ob izobrazitel’nom iskusstve. M.: Sovetskiy khudozhnik, 1967. T. II. 392 s.
5. Mazaev A. I. Kontseptsiya «proizvodstvennogo iskusstva» 20-kh godov: istoriko-kriticheskie ocherki. M.: Nauka, 1975. 272 s.
6. Shabalina N. Modern Art of Traditional Ural Crafts // The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol 2 / Edited by Bogna Lakomska. Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Tako Publishing House, Warsaw – Torun, 2012. Р. 113–120.
Price: 50 рублей
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