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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Drama turgic debut of Lev Lunts: less ons of mas ters

A. B. Volskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article is dedicated to the great influence of the post-revolution era on the artistic
individuality of the prominent representative of the time – Lev Lunts. The subject of the
research is the characteristic factors of the early 1920s (fighting for “the new theater”,
discussions on the freedom of art, vivid polemic on traditions and innovations), as well
as the direct effect of such prominent representatives of the epoch as M. Gorky, E.
Zamyatin, A. Blok, N. Gumilev, V. Shklovsky and others on the artistic evolution of
the young playwright, and the creative cooperation within the literary union “Serapion
Brothers” and close collaboration and work among the literary elite society of the
Petersburg House of Arts (DISK). The study of L. Lunts’ tragedies, tragicomedies, and
anti-utopia play, which were prohibited in the 1920s, amplifies the evolution map of the
Russian drama of the 20th century.
Key words: “brought back” literature, drama, tradition, creative influence, innovation,
freedom of creativity.
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10. Lunacharskiy A. V. O zadachakh teatra v svyazi s reformoy Narkomprosa. // Kul’tura teatra. 1921. № 4.
11. Lunts L. Pochemu my Serapionovy brat’ya // Literaturnye zapiski. Pg. 1922. № 3.
12. Lunts L. («Serapionov brat») Vne zakona. P’yesy, rasskazy, stat’i. SPb.: Kompozitor, 1994. 200 s.
13. Mardzhanov K. A. // Vestnik teatra. 1920. № 72–73.
14. Polonskaya E. G. Goroda i vstrechi / M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2008. 656 s.
15. Timina S. I. Kul’turnyi Peterburg: DISK-1920-e gody / SPb.: Logos, 2001. 453 s.
16. «Serapionovy brat’ya» v zerkalakh perepiski [vstup. stat’ya E. Lemminga]. / M.: Agraf. 2004. 544 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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