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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Essa y: philosophy of the genre

E. V. Buzalskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The author describes the philosophy of the essay genre as a set of its most essential
characteristics and principles of existence in the world culture; the most important of
them are: 1) the functional value, 2) the development and transformation history of the
genre’s model, and 3) its interaction with other speech genres in the general hierarchy.
The analysis of these characteristics helps to make a forecast on its further development.
Key words: philosophy of a genre, essay, essaysation, zuihitsu, genre model.
1. Lyubimova N. A., Buzal’skaya E. V. «Kartina mira»: soderzhanie, terminologicheskiy status i obshchaya ierarkhiya eyo sostavlyayushchikh // Mir russkogo slova. 2011. № 4. S. 13–20.
2. Ortega-i-Gasset Kh. Lektsii po metafizike. Yekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2000. 152 s.
3. Amunátegui M. L. Ensayos Biograficos. Tomos 3–4. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta nacional, calle de La Moneda 112. 1804. 466 p.
4. Arrieta D. A. Ensayos lierarios. Caracas: Imprenta de “La opinion nacional” 1883. 267 p.
5. Campillo C. T. Ensayo sobre las poemas provenzales de los siglos XII y XIII Madrid: Huertus, 1860. 122 p.
6. Ready A. W. Essays and Essay Writing for public examinations: London George Bell and sons. 1900. 150 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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