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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Genealogy of non-class ica l culture

M. D. Popkova
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the historical logic of the transition of European culture from the
classical state to the non-classical one and its main stages. The history of European
culture is seen as a process of deviation from the Christian grounds and gradual loss of “transcendental meanings”, which leads to chaotisation of culture. Negative ontology,
axiological vacuum, obvious anti-humanism, characteristic of non-classical culture, are
the consequences of these processes.
Key words: classical and non-classical paradigms of culture, negative ontology,
deviation from the Christian grounds, anti-humanism, chaos.
1. Levinas E. Gumanizm drugogo cheloveka // Izbrannoe: Trudnaya svoboda / per. s frants. M.: «Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya» (ROSSPEN), 2004.
2. Paskal’ B. Mysli / per. s fr. M.: REFL-book, 1994.
3. Khaydegger M. Pis’mo o gumanizme / Khaydegger M. Vremya i bytie: stat’i i vystupleniya / per. s nem. M.: Respublika, 1993.
4. Shlegel’ F. Idei. / Literaturnye manifesty zapadnoevropeyskikh romantikov. M.: Izd. Mosk. un-ta, 1980.
Price: 50 рублей
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