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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

1920s: at the beginning of the new drama (Lev Lunts. Anti-utopia “City of Truth”)

A. B. Volskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article is dedicated to the innovations in Lev Lunts’s dramas of the 1920s. The
anti-utopia “City of Truth” is analysed as the first Russian dramatic anti-utopia in the
framework of the Russian dramaturgy of the 20th century. Genre specifics of the play
made it possible for the playwright to expand the space of the action, and to set forward
the regularities of global shifts and human fates in the epicenter of these events as the
major concept. During the work on the new genre, the playwright managed to modify
the tragic canon. Bringing back the artistic works of L. Lunts that were prohibited in the
1920s, the author of the paper completes the evolutionary map of the development of
modern Russian dramaturgy.
Key words: tragedy, anti-utopia, dramaturgy, tradition, “brought back” literature.
1. Arab-Ogly E. A. V utopicheskom antimire // O sovremennoy burzhuaznoy estetike. M., 1976. Vyp. 4. S. 72–103.
2. Lunts L. Bertran de Born. Tragediya // Gorod. 1923. № 1.
3. Lunts L. Vne zakona. SPb.: Kompozitor, 1994. S. 167–198.
4. Lunts L. Vne zakona. Tragediya // Beseda. 1923. № 1. S. 43–125.
5. Lunts L. Tvorchestvo rezhissera // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1920. № 337–338. S. 1.
6. Lunts L. Teatr Remizova // Zhizn’ iskusstva. 1920. № 343. S. 2.
7. Lunts L. Uil’yam Shekspir. Otello // RGALI. F. 2578. Op. 1. Ed. khr. 1. L. 16, 17.
8. Tikhomirova E. Zakony istorii i zakony teksta (Lev Lunts) // Novyi mir. 1995. № 10. S. 161, 162.
9. URL: http://www.enc-dic.com/sociology/Antiutopija-13/html (data obrashcheniya: 30.09.2013).
Price: 50 рублей
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