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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Historical traditions and dialectics of military progress

S. V. Maksimov
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the peculiarities of military progress, which is determined by state
institutions and political reality. The progress in arms provokes the change of the whole
order of social relations and society experiencing it – these are changes in moral values, a political regime, an economic system connected with war. The author stresses that military progress is a part of social progress, therefore its analysis involves the understanding of common problems and criteria of the development of mankind at this or that stage of history.
Key words: nonrational manifestations of progress, ideological war, information wars,
ideology of war, social progress, military progress, remilitarisation of international
relations, nuclear threat.
1. Gadzhiev K. S. Zametki o metamorfozakh liberal‘nykh tsennostey // Voprosy filosofii. 2008. № 5. S. 14–31.
2. Losev A. F. Antichnyi kosmos i sovremennaya nauka // Bytie, imya, kosmos. M.: Mysl‘, 1993.
3. Sendel M. Dzh. Liberalizm i predely spravedlivosti: per. s angl. // Sovremennyi liberalizm. M., 1998.
Price: 50 рублей
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