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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Cryogenic weathering as a factor of stability of the embankment of the new Tommot-Kerdem railway of the Amur-Yakut Mainline

А. Е. Melnikov, S. S. Pavlov
Price: 50 руб.
The nature of exogenous geological processes and phenomena affecting the efficiency
and reliability of the linear structure is defined according to the geotechnical surveys
of 2008–2013 in the new Tommot-Kerdem railway of the Amur-Yakut Mainline. The
significant role of cryogenic weathering in breaking the stable condition of the railway in
severe climatic conditions of Yakutia is specified (9% of the way from the total length of
the railway have deformations caused exclusively by the action of cryogenic weathering
of the rock composing the embankment).
Key words: Amur-Yakutsk Mainline, Tommot-Kerdem railway, exogenous geological
processes and phenomena, cryogenic weathering, stability, deformation.
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Price: 50 рублей
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