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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Optimisation of speech and thought processes with the help of neuro-linguistic programming techniques in inter-paradigmatic learning

K. R. Piotrowska, E. F. Flegantova
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to teaching disciplines of unrelated paradigms, in particular teaching foreign languages to mathematics and IT students and, vice versa,
mathematisation and informatisation of liberal arts education. The problems of the
connection of neuro-linguistic programming techniques and the semiotic sign theory
are under discussion.
Key words: language sign model, interparadigmality, modality, denotatum, designatum,
connotatum, psycho-cognitive impact.
1. Baranov A. N. Vvedenie v prikladnuyu lingvistiku. M.: URSS, 2007. 307 s.
2. O’Konnor Dzh., Seymur D. Vvedenie v NLP. M.: FAIR, 2010. 288 s.
3. Piotrovskiy R. G. Lingvisticheskiy avtomat (v issledovanii i nepreryvnom obuchenii): ucheb. posobie. SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 1999. 255 s.
4. Rok I. Vvedenie v zritel’noe vospriyatie: v 2 kn. M.: Pedagogika, 1980. Kn. 1. 311 s.; Kn. 2. 279 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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