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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Insolvency (bank ruptcy) as a complex legal institution in the system of financial law

E. V. Naumova
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers the institution of bankruptcy (insolvency) in terms of the financial
law aspect. In this regard the author analyses the legal provisions of the financial
rehabilitation procedure and describes its main forms that make it possible to reveal
parallels of the insolvency institution with financial law. Monetary relations arising in
processes of financial improvement and bankruptcy are investigated. The author analyses the subjective structure of the institution under study, in particular allocates taxing and other authorised bodies participating in processes of insolvency (bankruptcy). A short review of the studied legal aspects of the insolvency institution is carried out from the position of various branches of law.
Key words: bankruptcy, insolvency, financial and legal aspect, monetary relations, legal
institute, arbitration managing director, insolvency.
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Price: 50 рублей
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