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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

State economy development under the totalitarian political regime

E. A. Klyukina
Price: 50 руб.
The issue about the development of the economic relations sphere in a state with the
totalitarian political regime is considered in the paper. An emphasis is put on the direct
relationship of the political regime with the state’s internal and foreign policy orientation. The author examines the definition of the economic sphere of a totalitarian state as a centralised command system.
Key words: totalitarian political regime, command economy, private property, forced
labour, centralised control system.
1. Zhelev Zh. Fashizm. Totalitarnoe gosudarstvo. M.: Novosti, 1991.
2. Moroz E. V. Totalitarizm v politicheskoy mysli XX veka: uchebnoe posobie. Kemerovo: Kemerovskiy institut (filial) GOU VPO «RGTEU», 2008.
3. Khayek F. A. fon. Doroga k rabstvu. London, 1983.
4. Tsygankov A. P. Sovremennye politicheskie rezhimy: struktura, tipologiya, dinamika. M.: Interpraks, 1995.
5. Neumann S. Permanent Revolution. Totalitarism in the Age of International Civil War. New York, 1965.
Price: 50 рублей
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