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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Rulingelite of Spain under Franco: social characteristics

M. S. Volkov
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the structure of the Spanish ruling elite in the period when
Colonel Francisco Franco was the leader of the country. Social characteristics and
specific features of several groups of the Spanish ruling elite are studied on the basis
of the statistical analysis of biographies of more than 1200 of its representatives. These personalities are examined according to 4 basic characteristics such as: age, education, background and career type.
Key words: Spain, ruling elite, social characteristics, sociological and statistical analysis, biography, Franco.
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6. Levis P. H. Latin Fascist Elites: The Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar Regimes. Westport, 2002.
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8. Quem Governa a Europa do Sul? O recrutamento ministerial, 1850–2000. Tavares de Almeida P., Costa Pinto A., Berneo N. Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais, 2006.
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Price: 50 рублей
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