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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Images of the Great Wall of China in compositions of contemporary Russian artists

Wu Xiaolin
Price: 50 руб.
For the first time the author of the paper summarises the development of the new theme
in contemporary Russian fine art – artistic presentation of the image of the Great Wall of
China. The author also notes the differences in the theme’s interpretation depending on
the situation when the work was taken from life or relying on imagination, as well as the
designated tasks and individuality of the author of the work.
Key words: Great Wall of China, artist, painting, image.
1. Anzhi Zhang. Istoriya kitayskoy zhivopisi / per.s angl. S. Dyomina. Rostov n/D: Feniks; Krasnodar: Neoglori, 2008. 350 s.
2. Kravtsova M. E. Mirovaya khudozhestvennaya kul’tura. Istoriya iskusstva Kitaya: uchebnoe posobie. SPb.: Izd-vo «Lan’», «TRIADA», 2004. 960 s.
3. Samosyuk K. F. Go Si. L.: Iskusstvo, 1978. 102 s.
4. Sarab’yanov D. V. Russkaya zhivopis’ XIX veka sredi yevropeyskikh shkol. M., 1980.
Price: 50 рублей
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