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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

“The Nutcracker” ballet by P. I. Tchaikovsky as a synthetic art text

S. Yu. Lysenko
Price: 50 руб.
 “The Nutcracker” ballet is observed in the paper as a process and result of the stepped
multilevel interpretation of the literary original source and the music score, as a synthetic art text. For the first time in the genre of ballet the author of the paper investigates the synaesthetic mechanism of non-verbal semantic «re-expression» between the musical and choreographic layers of the ballet.
Key words: ballet, synthetic art text, composer’s and choreographic interpretation.
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9. Lysenko S. Yu. Sinesteticheskiy aspekt interpretatsii v opernom zhanre (na primere «Pikovoy damy» P. Chaykovskogo) // Problemy muzykal’noy nauki. 2013. № 1 (12).
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Price: 50 рублей
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