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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Study of the discourse of a politician’s language personality in the aspect of linguistic personology

M. G. Tsutsieva
Price: 50 руб.
Analysis of the functioning of a politician’s language personality within political discourse is a topical problem of modern linguistics. It is interesting to consider it in the context of linguistic personology. Speech behaviour of the linguistic personality of a politician as a subject of political discourse is, on the one hand, a unique experience of a personality being formed during his/her lifetime, an individual set of speech preferences; on the other hand, the linguistic personality of a politician as a syncretic phenomenon is complicated by the institutional component as an institutional linguistic personality that carries out his/her discursive activity in political (institutional) discourse.
Key words: linguistic personality of a politician, discourse of a politician’s linguistic
personality, linguistic personology, discourse.
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Price: 50 рублей
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