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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12, 2013

Place of precedent names in the system of proper and common names

E. А. Fleysher
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the structures of meaning belonging to common nouns,
proper nouns and precedent names. The analysis of regularities in the organisation of
these structures helps to examine the whole system of names and determine the status of precedent names. The author shows the transformation of the structure of a name’s lexical meaning when it transfers from one category to another.
Key words: proper noun, precedent name, lexical meaning, invariant of perception.
1. Alefirenko M. F. Spornye problemy semantiki: monografiya. M.: Gnozis, 2005. 326 s.
2. Gudkov D. B. Pretsedentnoe imya i problemy pretsedentnosti. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1999. 149 s.
3. Dolozova O. N. O semantike pretsedentnogo imeni. URL: www.philol.msu.ru/~rlc2004/ru/participants/psearch.php?pid =97225.
4. Kobozeva I. M. Lingvisticheskaya semantika: uchebnik. M.: Knizhnyi dom «LIBROKOM», 2012. 352 s.
5. Krasnykh V. V. Etnopsikholingvistika i lingvokul’turologiya. M.: GNOZIS, 2002. 284 s.
6. Sergeyeva G. G. Pretsedentnye imena i ponimanie ikh v molodezhnoy srede (shkol’niki 10–11 klassa): avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. M., 2005. 25 s.
7. Fonyakova O. I. Imya Sobstvennoe v khudozhestvennom tekste. L.: LGU, 1990. 103 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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