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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10, 2013


E. I. Pchelintsev, A. V. Tsvetkov
Price: 50 руб.
 At the present time, there is an explosion of so-called “behavioural” (or processual)
addictions – workaholism, sexoholism, Internet addiction. One of the insuffiently
known kinds of addictive behaviour is exercise addiction. In the present work the features of “self-image” of people with physical exercise addiction and the disorder risk group are described.
Key words: physical exercise addiction, “self-image”, self-assessment.
1. Ambrumova A. G., Traynina E. G. K voprosu o samorazrushayushchem povedenii // Samorazrushayushcheye povedenie u podrostkov / Trudy LNIPNI im. V. M. Bekhtereva. L.: LNIPNI, 1991. T. 128. S. 29–36.
2. Yegorov A. Yu. K voprosu o novykh teoreticheskikh aspektakh addiktologii // Narkologiya i addiktologiya. Kazan’: Shkola, 2004. S. 80–88.
3. Korolenko Ts. P. Addiktivnoe povedenie: obshchaya kharakteristika i zakonomernosti razvitiya // Obozrenie psikhiatrii i meditsinskoy psikhologii im. B. M. Bekhtereva. 1991. № 1. S. 8–15.
4. Mendelevich V. D. Psikhologiya deviantnogo povedeniya. M.: Medpressinform, 2002. 416 s.
5. Petrovskiy V. A. Psikhologiya neadaptivnoy aktivnosti. M.: MGU, 1992. 124 s.
6. Utkin A. V. Narkotizm sredi gorodskikh podrostkov kak slozhnaya mediko-sotsial’naya problema (sotsial’no-gigienicheskoe issledovanie): dis. … kand. med. nauk. M., 1999. 148 s.
7. Tsvetkov A. V. Obraz ya: struktura, funktsii, razvitie. M.: ISK, 2012. 312 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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