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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10, 2013


L. V. Afanasyeva
Price: 50 руб.
 A number of historical subjects showing the specifiity of interactions between Russia
and Japan in the 20th century are analysed in the article. Though the example of cultural exchange in the fild of theatre the author shows that the inflence was mutual. It
facilitated the emergence of Japan’s ballet school and musical theater called Takarazuka Kagekidan and became an impetus for reforming the domestic theatrical art, which had a signifiant impact on the development of the Western drama school and theater.
Key words: Russia and Japan, cultural exchange, theatrical avant-garde, Russian ballet in Japan.
1. Alekseyev-Apraksin A. M. Orientalizm v istorii kul’tury Peterburga // Vestnik LGU. № 1. 2011. T. 2. S. 207–214.
2. Grigorieva T. P. Odinokiy strannik. M.: Nauka, 1967. 254 s.
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4. Grigorieva T. P. Yaponskaya khudozhestvennaya traditsiya. M.: Nauka, 1979. 368 s.
5. Grisheleva L. D. Russkie korni yaponskoy baletnoy shkoly // Sto let russkoy kul’tury v Yaponii / otv. red. L. L. Gromkovskaya. M.: Nauka, 1989. S. 328–346.
6. Zavadskaya E. V. Vostok na Zapade. M.: Nauka, (GRVL), 1970. 127 s.
7. Zavadskaya E. V. Kul’tura Vostoka v sovremennom zapadnom mire. M.: Nauka (GRVL), 1977. 168 s.
8. Konrad N. I. Teatr Kabuki, ego istoriya i teoriya // Yaponskiy teatr. L.; M.: Vsesoyuznoe Obshchestvo kul’turnoy svyazi s zagranitsey, 1928. 60 s.
9. Meyerkhol’d V. E. Stat’i, pis’ma, rechi, besedy. Ch. 2. 1917–1939. M.: «Iskusstvo», 1968. 643 s.
10. Nikolaeva N. S. Yaponiya – Yevropa: Dialog v iskusstve. M.: Izobr. isk-vo, 1996. 399 s.
11. Podalko P. E. Yaponiya v sud’bakh rossiyan: Ocherki istorii tsarskoy diplomatii i rossiyskoy diaspory v Yaponii v kontse XIX – nachale XX veka. M.: Institut vostokovedeniya RAN: Kraft, 2004. 352 s.
12. Suvorova A. A. Vostochnyi teatr i zapadnoevropeyskiy avangard // Vzaimodeystvie kul’tur Vostoka i Zapada. M., 1987.
Price: 50 рублей
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