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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10, 2013


S. T. Nefedov
Price: 50 руб.
 Subjectlessness of scientifi text bears on the speech-language form of scientifi texts,
but not their semantic side. Authorising senses referring to the author of the utterance
usually do not have a separate explicit expression in the scientifi text structure, but
they are incorporated in the semantics of modal and epistemic components, rational
assessment elements, names of intellectual actions and operations of the cogniser in the form of predicates, verbal names and metadiscursive markers. Repeating recursively, they imply a reference to the position and viewpoint of the cogniser in the context of an epistemic research situation, forming a unifid concealed plan of scientifi text authorisation.
Key words: authorisation, scientifi text, implicit markers of authorisation, modal and
epistemic components, rationalist estimates, epistemic predicates and verbal names,
metadiscursive words.
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12. Nefyodov S. T. Evolyutsiya modal’nykh form: sinkhronnaya variativnost’ i istoricheskaya dinamika // Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta. Seriya 9. Vyp. 1. Ch. II. 2008. S. 172–179.
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Price: 50 рублей
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